oral hygiene Archives | AV Sierra Dental Center

Dental Travel Tips

Summer’s approaching fast, and with it comes road trips, family vacations, and travel plans. We’re all for travel and vacations, but just because you’re going on vacation doesn’t mean you can take a break from oral hygiene. We’re not saying you have to pack an electric toothbrush or a Waterpik® if you’re going camping for […]

The Gift of Giving

As the holiday season continues in full effect, a lot of people get in the mood for giving. With Thanksgiving just over, you probably ate so much that you envy cows and their four stomachs. But before you delve into eggnog, cookies, prime rib, and fruitcake (Well, we aren’t sure anyone has eaten fruitcake in […]

Tips for Teaching Your Kids to Floss

Even though baby’s first teeth are temporary, getting an early start on excellent dental hygiene practices, including both brushing and flossing, is essential to a lifetime of good oral health. Dental decay is one of the most common childhood diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 42% of children ages 2 […]

Manual vs. Electric: The Battle for Best Brush

Once every three or four months, you inevitably find yourself standing in the oral hygiene aisle at the grocery store scanning rows and rows of an endless variety of toothbrushes. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors — and some of them even come with small motors. But how do you know which one […]

’Tis the Season for Getting Fresh: Avoid Bad Breath

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Mistletoe has been hung, setting blissful, kissing booby traps for the unsuspecting, and when the ball drops, lips will lock everywhere. During the month of December, your oral health and hygiene needs to be on point! Brushing and rinsing twice a day, as well as daily flossing, helps keep your mouth healthy but doesn’t necessarily […]

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