dental health Archives | AV Sierra Dental Center

Stressed Out: Can Stress Affect Your Teeth?

Highly Stressed Woman

You have too much to do at work. You have to juggle a million tasks between your children, your spouse, and errands — not to mention your mother-in-law is in town for the weekend. We all have those days, and those days can add immense stress to your life. That stress affects more than just […]

Four Foods That Can Damage Your Teeth

Last month, we looked at foods and drinks that can stain your teeth, but whiteness isn’t the only measure of healthy teeth. There are lots of foods that can chip your teeth or damage dental work in your mouth when you eat them. What are some of these problem foods? Your [LOCATION] dentist can warn […]

The Gift of Giving

As the holiday season continues in full effect, a lot of people get in the mood for giving. With Thanksgiving just over, you probably ate so much that you envy cows and their four stomachs. But before you delve into eggnog, cookies, prime rib, and fruitcake (Well, we aren’t sure anyone has eaten fruitcake in […]

Four DIY Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Nothing Is Sweeter Than a Healthy Smile Valentine’s Day is a holiday that can leave many parents feeling conflicted. Anything that gives you an excuse to spoil your kiddos with gifts and tell them how much you love them is a welcome retreat from the daily grind of handing out chores and pushing through homework. […]

’Tis the Season for Getting Fresh: Avoid Bad Breath

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Mistletoe has been hung, setting blissful, kissing booby traps for the unsuspecting, and when the ball drops, lips will lock everywhere. During the month of December, your oral health and hygiene needs to be on point! Brushing and rinsing twice a day, as well as daily flossing, helps keep your mouth healthy but doesn’t necessarily […]

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