bad breath Archives | AV Sierra Dental Center

E-Cigarettes and Your Oral Health: The Smokeless Threat to Your Smile

For many smokers, e-cigarettes seem like the best answer to avoiding the nasty side effects of smoking traditional cigarettes, including the odor and the staining of teeth, skin, and clothing. Though e-cigarettes still contain the highly addictive chemical nicotine, tobacco and other harmful elements are eliminated from the electronic smoking process, or what some refer […]

Avoid Bad Breath for Good

In almost every social situation, there is one thing most people are concerned about: halitosis, better known as bad breath. It can be embarrassing for you, uncomfortable to other people, and potentially a deal breaker for a job interview or date. To make it even more difficult to manage, our bodies have a great way […]

’Tis the Season for Getting Fresh: Avoid Bad Breath

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Mistletoe has been hung, setting blissful, kissing booby traps for the unsuspecting, and when the ball drops, lips will lock everywhere. During the month of December, your oral health and hygiene needs to be on point! Brushing and rinsing twice a day, as well as daily flossing, helps keep your mouth healthy but doesn’t necessarily […]

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