Diluted Bleach Solution in Oral Irrigator Instructions | AV Sierra Dental Center

Diluted Bleach Solution in Oral Irrigator Instructions

  • This will help in the reduction of gum pockets and bleeding
  • Do not use an oral irrigator or an electric toothbrush until 2 months after periodontal surgery
  • Using an oral irrigator will not replace the need to floss. Please continue flossing daily


  1. Obtain an oral irrigator. We recommend a Waterpik Waterflosser.
  2. Fill Waterpik water reservoir with water and add ½ teaspoon of unscented bleach.
  3. Point the stream of water perpendicular to the tooth near the gumline using the lowest setting on
    the Waterpik.
  4. ONCE daily, irrigate with this solution until the reservoir of the Waterpik is empty.
  5. After irrigating with bleach, rinse your mouth with clear water.
  6. Rinse Waterpik lines & tank afterward with clear water.


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